Criminal lawyer in Cádiz

We will help you in cases of accidents, offences against road safety, against public health…

How can we help you?

The field of criminal law encompasses the body of law that regulates criminal conduct and the legal consequences of such actions.

When acts are committed that infringe criminal law and affect individual or collective rights, it becomes necessary to exercise legal defence to protect the interests of those who have been harmed.

Examples of such cases may include crimes such as theft, violence, fraud, among others.

Our services of

Criminal law

Offence of causing bodily harm

These are offences against the physical or psychological integrity of persons. It is considered a minor offence.

Public health offence

These are punishable acts that endanger the health of the population and thus the general welfare.

Drug trafficking offence

They seek to control the production, manufacture, promotion of use and trade in narcotic drugs and psychoactive compounds.

Detainee assistance

We appear at police stations or courts to offer legal support and assistance to the individual under arrest. We will assess and prepare the statement if deemed relevant.

Offence against road safety

Considered as speeding, reckless driving, refusing alcohol or drug tests...

Crime of Gender Violence

In case of aggression against the woman.

Do you need a criminal lawyer?

And since an opinion is worth a thousand words....

Frequently asked questions

You can do this by going to the Guardia Civil or Police station.

Alternatively, you can also file a written complaint with the Juzgado de Instrucción.

A maximum of 72 hours, during which time the person will be brought before a court.

Yes, you can. You will then be able to appoint a private lawyer.

It is something that is out of our hands, as it does not depend on us.

It will depend 100% on the court, so we cannot set a date.